Holistic Healing Codes
Discover the transformative power of holistic healing through the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code. These powerful techniques help address imbalances in the mind, body, and spirit, promoting overall well-being and personal growth.
The Emotion Code
Even though we may want to forget some of the emotionally difficult times we have been through, the influence of those happenings may stay with us in the form of trapped emotions. Whether you remember specific events or not doesn't matter because your subconscious mind does remember, and we can access that information using the Emotion Code.
Each time you trap an emotion by not thoroughly processing it, you retain this negative emotional energy within your body, potentially causing significant physical and emotional stress. Trapped emotions consist of well-defined energies that have a shape and form. Emotions are vibrations of pure energy. Every emotion has its unique vibrational frequency.
Everything in the universe is made of energy, including emotions. Quantum physics has proven that energies affect other energies, so our emotions can affect us on a mental, emotional and physical level.
The Belief Code
A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is seen and experienced. Beliefs represent an absolute truth created by self conclusion and/or suggestion.
When you feel ready to let go of and release negative or faulty belief systems that no longer serve, you will be able to see yourself and the world around you in a new light. In this release you are reprogramming your mind to change your outlook and create space for new empowering beliefs.
The four main layers of a faulty belief system are addressed in a Belief Code session. The four layers are represented by a tree analogy. The faulty core identity is the soil from which the tree sprouts. The faulty core belief is the spreading roots of the tree. The limiting belief is the trunk at the center of the tree. The negative programs are the branches and leaves produced by the tree.
Often these belief systems have been holding your mind, body and spirit back from experiencing everything you want to in your life. If you feel stuck in self-defeating patterns or find it hard to move past judgment and into forgiveness of yourself and others, using the Belief Code can free you of old limiting and faulty beliefs that no longer fit you.
The Body Code
The Body Code expands on the Emotion Code, showing how you can access the subconscious mind to address the other imbalances you may be dealing with. These imbalances could be the underlying reasons for physical, mental and emotional difficulties or symptoms. The Body Code is designed to help decode the imbalances that are the possible cause of problems or suffering. It is a comprehensive knowledge base of all that can go wrong in the body, and it uses the laws of quantum physics to create balance where there may be potential imbalance. Trapped emotions can interfere with the proper functioning of the body's organs and tissues. This can often cause fatigue, turmoil or discomfort.
The essence of the Body Code is restoration. The body has an innate way of healing itself. The Body Code can help you find the possible causes of imbalance. As the body becomes more balanced, the way to improvement is open for mind, heart and body. Working with spirit and the subconscious mind -- all is possible.